Collection: Female Fantasy Miniatures

There's always a place on the team for a brave lady and these Female Fantasy Miniatures are among the best that We Print Miniatures has to offer. 

Take Ada Female robot Future War Miniatures  Action Science Fiction Miniatures by Papsikels, a heroine on the sports field who lost a few vital bits which have been replaced from the factory. Wants to lead the team at the scifi olympics.

Ainara Female Fantasy Miniature D&D by RN Estudio from We Print Miniatures with her sharp sword is a super challenge for the hobby painter. We love the detail on this model.

For a storybook female fantasy then Alice in Wonderland, Twisted Fairy Tales by Cross Lances is a terrific choice. A novel take on a much loved old story, pretty Alice is a girl with hidden talents. We're not sure what they are, it's up to you to decide!

One of our most popular ranges is Fantasy Football, unsurprising when Amazonia Thrower 3 Fantasy Football Miniature from RN Estudio heads out for the team . A hard nosed dame, she hopes to launch a fearsome attack on your enemies.

A Bob Naismith delight, Citizen Catherine Mercer, is a female fantasy figure who is versatile and hard working. Adorned with low tech flying helmet and goggles, that's just a disguise for a hi-tech lady. 

Then there's Cyberpunk female gunslinger shooting, a fantastic creation by Onmioji. This lady is real trouble with her double rayguns. Sends enemies into the next world before they realise what has hit them.

Dragon Born Female, from Across the Realms is a wise choice. A bit of a bossy boots, she demands total loyalty, not least because she is toting a massive scythe.

These female fantasy miniature are provided in 32mm scale and as originally designed by their originators, this is their artistic work without addition or alteration, forming a fascinating collection that you can now own at home.